"For God so loved the world, that He gave His one and only son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16

Monday, July 7, 2008

Eat, Swim, Sleep

That pretty much sums up the long weekend in Gladewater. We ate, swam, slept, ate, swam, slept...and watched fireworks from Mike's boat on Saturday night. The kids all had a great time swimming at Mike's house (I'm sure now you are catching on to why Kolton calls him "cool Uncle Mike"...pool, boat). We also had a fish fry one night and Robert swears my recent craving was for fried catfish....I guess I brought up the fish fry event one too many times :) It was good...what can I say?! I didn't do the amount of swimming that the kids did. I planted my preggo behind either on the deck or in the nice cool house! I have cute pictures of the kids I'll post later.

Kolton gave Robert and I a test run Saturday night before Emma's arrival. He got sick close to 1 am from being on the boat too long I guess. The only time I hate it when he is a diabetic is when he throws up! It stresses me out. Type 1 kiddos CANNOT keep throwing up like any other kid. We had to check is sugar at 2 am, 3 am, 5 am, 7 am...you get the idea. Luckily he only got sick the one time and by 3 am his sugar was back within his normal range. If Kolton ever does get a stomach virus, we'll be on the phone with the clinic every 2 hours (at least) and it's not uncommon for type 1 kiddos to end up in the hospital because of a bug. To give you an idea of what it does to his sugar...he was 241 before he got sick, 98 right after, 72 1 hour later. 70 is considered low so we had to wake Kolton up (you can imagine how hard hat was) and get him to drink Sprite and eat a Starburst wondering the whole time if he'd even keep it down. 3 am up over 100 which meant we got to sleep 2 straight hours before checking him again 5 am. See why I say it's like having a newborn?!!

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