"For God so loved the world, that He gave His one and only son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16

Monday, April 28, 2008


A few updates, Kolton is doing better. He saw his regular ped today and he doesn't know what his reaction was due to but the good news is Kolton is better. He had him stop the orapred which is good b/c after 3 days on that his sugar was in the 500's today....I know that sounds high and I will say that is the highest he has ever been but blood sugars I can fix...hives on the other hand...not so much.

Paul has not left for boot camp yet. There is a 50% chance he will leave next Monday and if not then, for sure on May 12th. I think Robert is holding his breath until the boy arrives in San Diego.

I declined the invite to teach an adult SS class on Mother's Day. My mom laughed when I told her about it (I laughed with her), her dog even started barking as if to laugh too. My dad didn't think I was serious and my best friend Cindy's response was "you said no right?". She knows me too well. After serious consideration w/o laughter I declined. Teaching adults is not one of my spiritual gifts. I admire those who can teach but the classroom is not where God wants to use me which is fine with me!!! (Helping Christie with the junior high girls is fine though...that classroom I can handle).

This is totally random, I'm watching the cartoon "Max and Ruby" with Josh....do these rabbits have parents??


The Langfords said...

Glad Kolton is better! Wow...500! Serious stuff.

Justine LOVES, LOVES, LOVES Max and Ruby! And I've never seen parents either.

Melissa said...

So glad Kolton is better; that's great news! Call me soon. We need to get a game plan going soon.