"For God so loved the world, that He gave His one and only son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Diagnosis Bronchitis

Still feeling bad...went to the doctor yesterday and I have bronchitis again. We are headed to East Texas tomorrow night for Robin's graduation from nursing school so I hope I feel better!!

Poor Josh...except for going out to school this week, he hasn't been out much since I've been in sick. Our church is at bouncetown in Wylie tonight and Cindy picked him up to take him so he could get out of the house today. He's been pretty bored this week.

As I'm watching "Extra" I have to ask the question... Clay Aiken...straight or gay? Robert says straight, I say gay....


Helen said...

That's so nice of your friend to take Josh.

Jenn said...

I read a magazine article where the straight or gay question was asked and he said straight. He said he gets that question all of the time though...it used to bother him but it doesn't anymore.

The Langfords said...

I'm with you...thought he was gay. Thanks for clearing it up Jennnifer.