"For God so loved the world, that He gave His one and only son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Forrest Family Farewell

Well, it's official. Mark preached his last sermon at MRBC today and I didn't have a meltdown. I got a little teary eyed when Gina lost it on stage while she was singing but Mark held it together which helped me hold it together. Of course I had my meltdown weeks ago so that's probably why I did ok today.

After church we had a nice dinner for the Forrest crew and they were showered with gifts, hugs, and of course tears. The church put together a scrapbook for them which I got to look at and some of the pictures were so funny! When Mark and Gina came to Murphy Road they were 31 and had only 3 kids...Emily was 6! Now they are over 40, Emily is 16 and they have a total of 6 kids!! It was fun looking back at the old pictures of the kids. I think out of all the kids, Robert and I have enjoyed watching Emily grow the most probably because we work in the youth group. We've enjoyed all the kids but to watch Emily go from being 10 when we joined the church to now driving at the age of 16!

I know Robert and I will see Mark and Gina again before they leave leave...as in actually move to Granbury so maybe that's why I didn't meltdown today either. I've never seen Gina cry and today there wasn't a time when she wasn't crying. I stand corrected....I think the entire Forrest family is emotionally drained over the move..even Gina.

I couldn't find many pictures of the Forrests but I did find one of Josh and Olivia at his 4th birthday (she's on the right in the black) and Mark (he's in the middle), with my dad, Hannah and Brian at the party too.

1 comment:

Jenn said...

We started coming to MRBC when Olivia was born. I held it together okay until I saw Gina crying. I did great through Mark's sermon but then, they brought the kids on stage and I just lost it.

I just love those kids so much!!!