"For God so loved the world, that He gave His one and only son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16

Saturday, October 18, 2008


I got 7 hours of sleep last night and felt so refreshed today but that's wearing off and I'm tired again! Robert took one of the feedings last night and Josh had a 8:30 soccer game this morning so Robert is TIRED. This morning I even heard him ask Josh if he wanted to skip the soccer game!!!

Robert's parents came to see Emma today for the first time. They had been traveling the East coast since the end of September and came by on their way home (even though we weren't really "on the way"). Emma had to meet her other set of spoiling grandparents!!

Today I got out of the house twice with no kids! The first time was for lunch at Olive Garden with ladies from church and our (possible) new pastor's wife. She is 2 years older than me and she was born on the island of Guam and I lived on the island of Guam...small island..small world! Our dads were obviously both in the Air Force and our time on Guam actually overlapped by a few months. The second outing was to go to the church to meet the (possible) new pastor Lash. He seemed fine. During the question and answer meeting a lot of his answers were typical textbook and his philosophies sound in line with that of former Pastor Mark. I did call Gina and let her know it's not too late for her and Mark to come back since we don't vote on Lash until tomorrow. I know Mark and Gina are in the right place, I just miss them. Robert and I have the privilege of calling them friends and not just a pastor and wife. I think Lash and his wife will both be very good for our church. I'm hoping to go to church tomorrow to hear Lash preach and be there to vote. My dad has asked me no less than 5 times if I'm going so that he can stay home and keep Emma. Of course it all depends on how she does tonight but if I made a noon lunch today surely I can make 11:00 church tomorrow.


Hannah said...

Sorry I missed lunch! Car battery died (almost)-had to go to WallyWorld...Hope you had something good. I hope to make church; we'll see how Jacob is doing.

Jenn said...

I didn't even know about the lunch...bummer! Glad you guys had fun. I met Stacey tonight and she seems like a very sweet, personable lady!

I pray you will get plenty of rest tonight!

Helen said...

Josh can't skip..........he's apart of a team. They count on him to be there!

O, remember how we use to stay up late and party during the week and they get up early to go to work with very little sleep? How did we manage? Married life has made us SO old!

Melissa said...

I'm so glad you got to come with us. It was great to see you!