"For God so loved the world, that He gave His one and only son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Emma's a Comin.....

Emma Kate will be here on Friday. I'm scheduled for a 7 am induction which means she should arrive around lunchtime!! Poor Kolton, his birthday is Saturday. Good thing we had his party early!!

My blood pressure was up at my appointment today which Robert thinks I did on purpose but I swear I did not drink a coke or monster drink before the appointment!! I did tell my doctor I'm so over being pregnant and she had no problem with scheduling the induction. I just love her.


The Langfords said...

I'm so glad she is coming but didn't Emma and the Dr. get my memo? "Don't have her while I'm at my retreat." Those were my exact words! See ya Sunday Little Ms. Emma Kate!

Melissa said...

We will celebrate her birth with brownies!!! I can't wait to meet Emma. I'm praying for you that things go really well. Le't see...I'm thinking you are going to have her around 10:15am. What do I win if I'm right? A free night of babysitting? Okay, that's fine with me...haha!! Seriously!