"For God so loved the world, that He gave His one and only son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Robert's Turn...

....yep to be sick! He's feeling much better today but yesterday was ROUGH. He's back from what he calls his "near death experience"!! He was throwing up (gross I know) all day yesterday. I've never seen him so sick...not even the day after his bachelor party! I finally decided at 5:00 yesterday that he needed to go either to the ER or Carenow...I opted for Carenow. After checking in online and being at the clinic for 1 1/2 hours he left feeling better. He got a shot of phenergan and was able to finally sleep last night. I, on the other hand, didn't get much sleep unless 4 straight hours count which I guess it does with a 3 week old. Emma and I slept in the living room and I'm sure she can sense the house "ora" (lol) is all messed up. I hope tomorrow finds the house back to normal.

Today Kolton sees his endocrinologist for his usual 3 month diabetes check up. If I can get Emma to take a nap, I can nap before picking Kolton up at 1:30, Josh at 2, then dropping Josh and Emma off with my mom, then to Children's in Plano by 3:05 for the appointment, then by my office to drop off and pick up work, then back to get Josh and Emma and finally back home!! And I did mention I didn't get much sleep last night right?!!


Bones said...

How do we manage all this mom stuff? If my husband had read what you just wrote about your schedule he would have been, "HUH??" He's such a good dad, but once he learns the schedule, if there is any variance, it confuses him for a week or so. LOL You're amazing!

Hope Emma sleeps better tonight and the flu leaves your house for good.

And good luck at the Endo. We see the GI there and I wish all of Trey's Children's specialists would move there!!!!

Hannah said...

: ( Sorry Roberto is ill. It makes me want me to go ahead and get the flu shot for Jacob and Brian. Let us know if we can help in any way. I'm off til a week from Thursday.

Helen said...

I agree with Heather.....I'm in charge of the activity schedule too and I deligate.

Men! They're such babies!!! I'm sure it's Scott's turn here soon.

Hope he gets to feeling better soon so you can get some help and sleep,