"For God so loved the world, that He gave His one and only son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Flashing Lights

Why is it when one gets pulled over, one's Christian values go out the window and one cusses like a sailor (or Marine...Robert says the Marines taught the sailors to talk like that)? That is exactly what happened to me this morning on George Bush...now remember I only drive George Bush to my office twice a week....what are the chances of me getting pulled over?

You know how the state troopers like to drive slow in the fast lane on GB? Well I have never been afraid to pass them as they are driving too slow and jackin' traffic up. I learned today that you should not pass the black, female state trooper when she is jackin up traffic. Apparently she doesn't like it. My dad taught my sister and I how to drive and how to speed "keep it under 10 over and you'll be fine". So I had my cruise set at 68 and went on by Mrs. Trooper and she pulled me over. She is not very friendly either I might add. She simply stated I was going 70 in a 60 (she "paced" me at 70), she was issuing me a citation and would be right back.

Of course I didn't get pulled over in Dallas County where good ole dad could pull some strings, and of course I didn't get pulled over in Richardson where I could throw "Officer Alcorn" out there....nooooo I was in Collin County. In fact I talked to my dad who said passing the trooper pissed her off and Brian simply said too you weren't in Richardson (no kidding) and agreed a ticket for 10 over was weak. He did say troopers have an ego which I don't doubt after today!!!

So now I'll be driving the speed limit in the slow lane while all you other drives go flying by me because who really drives the speed limit (besides the troopers). Robert said he needs to trade in the Volvo for a Corolla so I won't get any more tickets........Apparently his Marine sticker has kept him from getting not only a ticket but also prevented a ride to jail. Maybe Mrs. Trooper doesn't like Marines because the sticker on my car did me absolutely no good.


Helen said...

She pulled you over because you were a white girl in a Volvo!

Melissa said...

Man, that stinks. I learned the hard way in Murphy when we first moved here. :(

Jenn said...

Oh man! I always get pulled over when I'm just going with the flow of traffic. Fifty other cars can be speeding with me, but I always seem to be the one that gets singled out!....and I'm not even driving a Volvo!!! Of course, I do have blonde hair...maybe that's it!

Melissa said...

okay missy, time to update your blog....lol.