"For God so loved the world, that He gave His one and only son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

School's Out

Today was Kolton's last day of school as I know it was for most of the area schools. Kolton gets a few days to sleep in then it's off to a week long diabetes day camp. After that he'll have swim lessons, VBS, and whatever else I find to keep him busy! I'm sure we'll be at the pool a lot.

Today I went to this class party which was a total beating....2nd graders EVERYWHERE. Helen and I said we would never work in a pediatrician's office....being around a bunch of 8 year olds on the last hour of school ranks up there with screaming sick kids. I did get some good pictures and of course Kolton enjoyed the party. I've posted a picture of him and his teacher, Mrs. Crain. She'll be taking next year off as she was on maternity leave last school year AND this school year...you do the math.

I'm sure in a few weeks my blog will say I can't wait for school to start again!


The Langfords said...

Holy Cow! His teacher looks like she is 15. Boy am I getting older by the minute!

Melissa said...

Your blogs crack me up!!!! By the way, I blogged just for you...ha