"For God so loved the world, that He gave His one and only son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Nathan to go "home"

Cindy got a phone call today that Nathan will be going home tomorrow morning. His grandma, who originally said she wouldn't help raise him, changed her mind, got an attorney and said she would help monitor his parents. So what happens to Nathan if something happens to his grandma? Grandma and parents live together and if I were the judge I'd have to wonder if that environment was really the best for a child. Apparently all the judge cares about is the fact that there aren't drugs in the home, as far as he/she knows, so Nathan goes back. If parents need "supervision" then I don't think they need a child in their care. CPS is all for keeping kids within the family which I just don't agree with.

So as I think about Cindy, Waylan, Justine and Nathan, I wonder what I would do if I were in their shoes. Would I take the risk and continue waiting for a boy or "give up" and be ok w/just 1 kiddo?? Outside looking in it's easy for me to say what I would do but I really don't know what I would do if my desire for kids and feelings were involved.

If anything happens to Nathan, CPS will place him with Cindy & Waylan again. I just pray that he will be safe, healthy, and loved back at home. I don't think he'll be more loved at home than he would be w/Cindy, Waylan, & Justine though.

1 comment:

Jenn said...

CPS does so much injustice for these children sometimes. I think once a parent says they don't want a child, they should never be allowed access to that child again.

If you can walk off and leave a child once, you could do it again!

It's just sickening!!!!!!!!!!!